Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scripture Reading Goal

I've read bits and chunks of the scriptures but I feel that I lack  a basic understanding of all 4 scriptures. It's embarrassing to spend 5 minutes looking up a scripture reference only to realize you are looking in the Bible when you should be looking in the Book of Mormon and I'd like to change that. I've been busy (who hasn't) and it's not always easy to find a moment to sit down and read the scriptures but I know I work best with aconcrete goal and a clearly mapped out plan to reach that goal.

So, a few days ago I sat down armed with all four of the gospels and worked out a plan that would allow me to read all four over the course of the next year. It sounds like an enormous goal but it actually ended up amounting to about six pages per day or two to three chapters. I feel like that is a good amount for now. It's a decent amount to read without being overwhelming or hard to accomplish.

I thought about starting on Jan 1st but found I didn't want to wait that long. So I'm going to start tomorrow, November 1st, 2010 and finish November 1st, 2011. I'm excited to start and to be able to share my feelings on each reading everyday.

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